Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm starting to look human again. Ha

All the scabs are gone now and it's looking really good! I've been using some Eucerin cream that Mickey has and let me tell you, it is miracle cream! :) I love it!
Tomorrow is my 5 week mark! On Monday I saw my physician's assistant for a follow up appointment and he told me to start resting my foot on the floor when I walk, so that when I can actually start walking it will be used to the motion again. I have about a week or so and I can start putting weight on it! Yay! I'm so so so excited! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to me! :) Oh, and to you, also! Haha

All stitches are out! Yay!

I got the stitches out of the long incision on December 10th. It was cut in half and then pulled out from the bottom and top. The bottom half hurt really bad! It snagged on something and just seriously hurt. It was the first time I cried at physical therapy. :/

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Enjoy! Ha!

These pics are of my right knee 12 days after surgery! Yesterday I had my post op appointment and FINALLY got all the dressings off. Today I had my first physical therapy appointment. Joe took the first picture while at physical therapy. They did electro stimulus on my quads and took out the bottom stitches. The other three pics I took after I got home. I'll post some more photos later on...